Revision History

Each release of my "Fire Within" Bible Study Guide is documented on this page.


Release What When
v22.4 Update Current Sermon Series Oct 19, 2024
v22.3 Added Election Day Sermons for 2024 Sep 14, 2024
v22.2 Update Current Sermon Series Sep 4, 2024
v22.1 Chosen Season 4 & Sermon Series Updates July 30, 2024
v22.0 Email/Password Authentication July 23, 2024
v21.4 Update Current Sermon Series May 22, 2024
v21.3 Update Current Sermon Series May 13, 2024
v21.2 Misc Mar 5, 2024
v21.1 The Chosen, & more Feb 27, 2024
v21.0 Device Sync Feb 21, 2024
v20.1 Misc Dec 22, 2023
v20.0 Book Completion! Dec 16, 2023
v19.0 Selectable Translations,
Book Completions, & more
Dec 5, 2023
v18.0 Lamentations, Current Events & more Aug 23, 2023
v17.0 Jeremiah Jun 3, 2023
v16.0 Complete the Torah Mar 1, 2023
v15.1 Misc Dec 8, 2022
v15.0 Misc Dec 2, 2022
v14.0 John Nov 30, 2022
v13.0 Exodus Nov 24, 2022
v12.0 Specials Nov 23, 2022
v11.0 Minor Prophets Oct 25, 2022
v10.0 Genesis Aug 17, 2022
v9.0 Galatians May 3, 2022
v8.0 Romans Apr 30, 2022
v7.0 Corinthians Mar 28, 2022
v6.0 Thessalonians Mar 6, 2022
v5.0 Daniel Jan 23, 2022
v4.0 Mark Jan 9, 2022
v3.0 Acts Oct 4, 2021
v2.0 Luke Aug 1, 2021
v1.0 Revelation Nov 15, 2020


v22.4 - Update Current Sermon Series (Oct 19, 2024)

v22.3 - Added Election Day Sermons for 2024 (Sep 14, 2024)

v22.2 - Update Current Sermon Series (Sep 4, 2024)

  • Update Current Romans Series (Sundays)
  • Update Current 1 Kings Series (Mid Week) NO CHANGE

v22.1 - Chosen Season 4 & Sermon Series Updates (July 30, 2024)

v22.0 - Email/Password Authentication (July 23, 2024)

User account authentication has moved from a phone-based SMS text message, to an email/password. This enhancement avoids additional costs imposed by our entry-level cloud service plan.

Migration Process:

Use this process to move your phone-based account to the new email/password account.

Follow these steps completely, so as to not loose any of your data.

NOTE: This procedure assumes you are already signed in to your old phone-based account. This is a valid assumption, since account sign-ins are "long lived".

  1. Sign Out of your existing phone-based account.

    • From the User Account section of the Settings page, click the "Sign Out" button.

    • IMPORTANT In the Sign Out confirmation section, make sure to check the "Sync Device Storage from the Cloud (ON Sign-Out)" option.

      This will insure the latest copy of you cloud state is copied to your device storage (i.e. your completions and settings).

  2. Sign Up for a new email/password account.

    • Enter the Email and Password you wish to use for your new account.

    • Click the "Sign Up" button.

      NOTE: In creating your new account, our process will copy your device storage to the cloud. Because you "synced" this from your old account (in Step 1), you will not loose any of your data.

    • As always, retain the Email/Password you used for this account (in the same way to do for other accounts).

  3. For all other devices that you are using (cell phone, tablet, etc.),

    • Simply "Sign Out" of your old phone-based account,

    • And "Sign In" to your new email/password account.

      NOTE: Here you are using "Sign In" (because you have created this account in Step 2 - which used "Sign Up").

v21.4 - Update Current Sermon Series (May 22, 2024)

  • Update Current Romans Series (Sundays)
  • Update Current 1 Kings Series (Mid Week)
  • Added "My Small Group" section in Acts

v21.3 - Update Current Sermon Series (May 13, 2024)

  • Update Current Romans Series (Sundays)
  • Update Current 2 Samuel Series (Mid Week)
  • Update Current 1 Kings Series (Mid Week)

v21.2 - Misc (Mar 5, 2024)

  • The Chosen refinements:
    • Re-formated the sections of the Overview/Usage and added "Casting Instructions".
    • Added a "crowdfunding" description in Overview.
    • Streamlined the main "Bible App" links for each season.
    • Added devotion day indicators (ex: Devotion-3), making it easier to correlate manually.
    • Devotion-3 of Season 2 has been fixed on the Bible App. Applied this to Episode 4 and added scriptures.
  • Added Marriage & Divorce series in Current Events (under Specials).

v21.1 - The Chosen, & more (Feb 27, 2024)

  • The Chosen page is now available, that consolidates links for the series/episodes, and devotions!
  • Added the new 2024 Romans series (ongoing), and noted the 2009 series has been archived.
  • Added Abraham genealogy diagram to Genesis.
  • Added the new Genesis Small Group sessions, starting in 03/03/2024.
  • Added new Spoken Gospel Overview for Zephaniah.
  • Updated the Christmas section with the current 2023 entry, and added "A Charlie Brown Christmas" from 1965.
  • Added "The God Delusion Debate" - Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox in the Moral Decay section of Current Events (under Specials).
  • Standardized ALL Table-of-Content entries to include Sunday/Mid-Week delineators.
  • Added the 1/14/2024 Romans sermon to the LGBTQ section of Current Events.

v21.0 - Device Sync (Feb 21, 2024)

  • This is a Major Release that allows you to synchronize your state across all of your devices (laptop, phone, tablet, etc.)! Your state includes both your completions and settings!

    For more information, see the User Account section of the Settings page.

v20.1 - Misc (Dec 22, 2023)

  • Minor adjustments to the My Faith page.

v20.0 - Book Completion (Dec 16, 2023)

This is a Major Release that finialized All Books of the Bible! This includes:

Other enhancements include:

  • Made YouTube videos responsive to better display on mobile devices.
  • Provided a note in the Getting Started page highlighting the blog's Search feature.

v19.0 - Selectable Translations, Book Completions, & more (Dec 5, 2023)

  • User Preferences are now supported through the Settings page! Through this resource, you may now:
  • A Completed Checkbox is now available for each book of the Bible, similar to those found in each Sermon Series (check out Where Am I?).
  • Created a new End Times page.
  • Added Thanksgiving services for 2023.
  • Added newly minted Spoken Gospel intros for Jonah & Micah.
  • Added "My Small Group" section to the Genesis study.
  • Internal Changes:
    • A big part of this release was an internal enhancement that streamlines the maintenance of this blog. We now use Custom Tags (from our new GitBook plugin) that greatly simplifies complex directives. This will set the stage for adding ALL books of the Bible to a future release (stay tuned).
    • Simplified the blog build process (i.e. the 'blog:dev' npm script), executing the gitbook command directly in the npm script, eliminating the FireWithin/buildDocsInDev.js script completely. This also emits better diagnostics (when problems arise).

v18.0 - Lamentations, Current Events & more (Aug 23, 2023)

v17.0 - Jeremiah (Jun 3, 2023)

  • Added Jeremiah to my Study Guide, done in conjunction with my local Church's Small Group (cooresponding to this time).
  • Fixed ALL scripture links (YouVersion URL parms have changed).
  • Added Easter Speical Events.

v16.0 - Complete the Torah (Mar 1, 2023)

  • Added the remaining books of the Tora (the Old Testament Law of Moses):
  • Completed the John series.
  • Enumerate ALL books in Old/New Testament (delineated with asterisk for TODO).

v15.1 - Misc (Dec 8, 2022)

v15.0 - Misc (Dec 2, 2022)

  • Added Current Events to my Study Guide.
  • Added "My Small Group" section to the John study.

v14.0 - John (Nov 30, 2022)

  • Added John to my Study Guide.

    This was done in conjunction with my local Church's Small Group (cooresponding to this time).

v13.0 - Exodus (Nov 24, 2022)

  • Added Exodus to my Study Guide.

    God rescues Israel from slavery and initiates a covenant with them, promising to dwell among them

v12.0 - Specials (Nov 23, 2022)

v11.0 - Minor Prophets (Oct 25, 2022)

  • Added the Minor Prophets to my Study Guide (Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah).

    This was done in conjunction with my local Church's Small Group (cooresponding to this time).

v10.0 - Genesis (Aug 17, 2022)

  • Added Genesis to my Study Guide.

    Let's go back to the beginning!

v9.0 - Galatians (May 3, 2022)

  • Added Galatians to my Study Guide.

    In visiting our daughter's family on the east coast, their Church is currently studying Galatians :-)

v8.0 - Romans (Apr 30, 2022)

  • Added Romans to my Study Guide.

    Resa requested Romans because I reference it so much in the My Faith section ... duhhh you got me!

v7.0 - Corinthians (Mar 28, 2022)

  • Added 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians to my Study Guide.

    This was done in conjunction with my local Church's Small Group (cooresponding to this time).

v6.0 - Thessalonians (Mar 6, 2022)

  • Added 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians to my Study Guide.

    This was done in conjunction with my local Church's Small Group (cooresponding to this time).

v5.0 - Daniel (Jan 23, 2022)

  • Added Daniel to my Study Guide.

    This was done in conjunction with my local Church's Small Group (cooresponding to this time).

v4.0 - Mark (Jan 9, 2022)

  • Added Mark to my Study Guide.

    This was done in conjunction with my local Church's study of Mark (cooresponding to this time).

v3.0 - Acts (Oct 4, 2021)

  • Added Acts to my Study Guide.

    Acts seemed like the next logical progression from my study of Luke (both authored by Luke).

v2.0 - Luke (Aug 1, 2021)

v1.0 - Revelation (Nov 15, 2020)

This is where it all began ... my initial release

  • Added Revelation to my Study Guide.

    Believe it or not, this is the first book I studied during the initial stages of my renewed faith. It's not exactly where things begin, but it certainly is where the things of this world will end!

    The current state of our world made me realize that something was not right. Everything seemed upside down. This caused me to start thinking about end times (prompted by my previous Church background, and the prodding of the Holy Spirit)!

    If you had told me a few years ago, that I was interested in Revelation, I would have laughed :-) It is so symbolic and elusive. This is one topic where assistance is most appreciated (from a trusted source). Luckily Pastor Gary Hamrick (from Cornerstone Chapel) made this difficult book come alive ... try it you'll like it!

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