
The book of Nahum is a collection of poems announcing the downfall of some of Israel's worst oppressors. Referencing Daniel, Exodus, and Isaiah, Nahum shows us that the destruction of Nineveh and Assyria are examples of how God works in history in every age.

The destruction of the Assyrian empire is an image of how God will confront and bring down all violent human empires. This is about God’s commitment to justice, which is as true today as it was in the time of Nahum. While God will defeat human evil, he does not forget the innocent. He promises to provide a refuge on the day of judgment for anyone who humbles themselves before God.

At a Glance


NIV Bible Nahum Introduction

In 612 BC the Assyrian Empire was nearing collapse. Its capital Nineveh was about to fall before a combined invasion of Babylonian, Medean and Scythian forces. But those living in the nations that Assyria had cruelly oppressed felt little pity. In their view, the Assyrians were simply getting a long-overdue taste of their own medicine. The prophet Nahum echoes these thoughts on behalf of the people of Judah. He situates this event within the context of God’s rule over all kingdoms on earth. God will judge the Assyrians, even though he had used them as his own instrument, because they were excessively destructive and proud.

Nahum’s oracle describes God’s character and power, announcing God’s purpose to judge Assyria. Words of comfort to Judah alternate with words of doom to Nineveh. The defense of the Assyrian capital will prove futile and the city will be plundered, confirming God’s judgment.

Bible Project

Nahum Introduction

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Spoken Gospel

As of 12/2023 Spoken Gospel has no nahum introduction

2012 Nahum Series (Mid Week)

Cornerstone Chapel

Nahum 1-3
TeachingNahum 1-310/17/2012

2020 Nahum Series (Sundays)

Cornerstone Chapel

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