Questions and Answers

Cornerstone Chapel holds an annual Question and Answer Service where Pastor Gary and sons (Pastor Tyler and Pastor Austin) answer the congregation's Bible questions!

NOTE: Unlike most FireWithin links, we use YouTube references on this page, rather than Cornerstone links. This allows us to time-slice directly into individual questions. For each session, you have the choice of either starting from the beginning and watching all the way through, or you can directly link into the desired question.

At a Glance

Q&A Service 01/02/2022

Cornerstone Chapel

  1. Welcome
  2. Introduction
  3. What is the meaning of Holiness?
  4. Covid/Vacine Questions
  5. Are christians who have died, and are in heaven, able to see their families on earth?
  6. Why do we pray to God and Jesus but not to the Holy Spirit? What is the Holy Spirits’ role?
  7. Is it important to physically attend a local church?
  8. How does the beast in Revelation compare to the one put up infront of the UN buildingin New York? What does this mean for us?
  9. What does it mean to fear the Lord?
  10. Questions about the Lambs book of Life
  11. What is the difference between Hell and the lake of fire?
  12. Why don’t we hear the audible voice of Jesus like Paul did in Acts 9?
  13. Is cremation biblical?
  14. Why the mandate about coffee in the sanctuary?
  15. Why does God call David “a man after God’s own heart” when he committed polygamy/adultery?
  16. Who are the sons of God that are mentioned in Genesis?
  17. Questions on Tithing
  18. Why must catholics confess sins to a priest?
  19. What happens to the people who are saved during the tribulation?
  20. How do you walk humbly with God?
  21. Is there a teaching/resource for someone going through anxiety/depression?
  22. What did God mean in Matthew 24:34 about this generation not passing away until all these things take place?
  23. When are we going to have Communion again?
  24. Can you explain why forgivness is so important to God? Its difficult to forgive those who have hurt me.
  25. What happens after the rapture?
  26. Whats the status in married relationships in Heaven?
  27. Question about same sex marriage
  28. Do Christians need to follow Old testament rules?
  29. Is the Garden of Eden still on earth?
  30. Since we are all descendants of Adam & Eve how did all the skin and hair colors come to be?
  31. Recommended Resources

Q&A Service 12/31/2023

Cornerstone Chapel

       1st Service

  1. Will people still be able to be saved after the rapture?
  2. Will babies and small children be raptured with believers at the time of the rapture?
  3. Can God still use us if my spouse and I weren't able to have children?
  4. Does Cornerstone Chapel have elders?
  5. Why aren't there crosses in the Church?
  6. How was Satan able to get access to the Garden of Eden?
  7. How do you give a problem over to God?
  8. Are my divorced parents, who are Christians, able to remarry?
  9. What should we expect in the new heaven and earth for eternity?
  10. Why is it important to go to Church?
  11. Why does God allow miscarriages?

    2nd Service

  12. What are the Nephilim in Genesis 6 about?
  13. Why wasn't Moses allowed in to the promised land?
  14. What is the difference between joy and happiness?
  15. Can women be pastors?
  16. Are aliens real?
  17. Is Harry Potter demonic or just entertainment?
  18. Is self defense permissible if we ever experience persecution?
  19. Is there a two state solution to the Israel/Palestinian conflict?

    3nd Service

  20. List of Authors & Speakers
  21. Did God create sin?
  22. As a believer, why do I feel like I want to come forward for the altar call again and again?
  23. If I watch Church online am I a part of the church?
  24. What does it mean that the Jews are God’s chosen people?
  25. Do you believe the story of Adam and Eve is literal or more of a parable?
  26. Are Dinosaurs in the Bible?
  27. When Cain murdered Abel and was sent away, who were the people he was sent away to that he feared?
  28. Can I or should I be baptized again as an adult Christian? Is baptism required for Salvation?
  29. Questions about Death and Heaven
  30. What's the purpose of the Millenium Kingdom?
  31. More Resources

Q&A Service 12/20/2024

Cornerstone Chapel

       1st Service

  1. Can You Talk About Vaping, Smoking, Marijuana, And Alcohol?
  2. What Is The Apocrypha?
  3. Who Is The Great White Throne Judgment For?
  4. What Is The Trinity?
  5. Jesus Did Not Say He Was God, So Why Do We Claim That From The Pulpit?
  6. Does My Anxiety And Depression Suggest A Lack Of Faith In God?
  7. What Promises From Scripture Can I Hold Onto When I Am Tormented By My Past?
  8. Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation?
  9. What Do You Make Of Aliens?
  10. Do You Worry Some People Will Fall Away From Christianity After Coming Forward In An Altar Call?
  11. What Is The Book Of Enoch?
  12. Does The Great Cloud Of Witnesses Mean Dead Christians Are Watching Us?

    2nd Service

  13. What Translations Of The Bible Do You Recommend?
  14. How Do We Live Like Job When Tragedy Happens Around Us?
  15. What Does Jesus Mean By Paradise In Luke 23:43
  16. If Jesus Is God, Why Were His Last Words "My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"
  17. Ways To Help Muslims Come To Christ.
  18. What Will Happen To People In Religions Like Jehovah's Witnesses?
  19. Good Resources If You Have Muslim Friends.
  20. What Does Spending Time With God Look Like?
  21. Why Does God No Longer Speak To Us Like With Noah, Moses, And Abraham?
  22. Another Resource For Trying To Reach Muslims.
  23. Is It Wrong For Us To Watch Cornerstone Online Without Being In A Local Church?
  24. Is Cremation Ok?
  25. What Advice Do You Have For An Adult Child Dealing With Their Parents Getting Divorced?
  26. What Does The Bible Say About Extraterrestrial Life?
  27. Do You Worry That You Push Catholics And Liberals Away When You Make Jokes About Them?
  28. Why Doesn't Cornerstone Plant Other Churches?
  29. What Is An Archangel?
  30. Why Do You Think Song Of Solomon Is Included In The Bible?

    3rd Service

  31. Who Are The 24 Elders In Revelation?
  32. Will We Still Have Our Spouse And Loved Ones In Heaven (How Will We Feel About Those Who Did Not Go To Heaven)?
  33. Am I Saved Even If I Still Sin?
  34. Why Do You Think There Were Nephilim After The Flood?
  35. What Are Your Opinions On Pastor Alistair Begg?
  36. Is Christmas A Pagan Holiday And Why Don't We Celebrate The Feasts And Sabbath From The Bible?
  37. Should I Still Tithe If My Unbelieving Husband Says No?
  38. How Do We Know When Jesus Is Returning?
  39. What Is The Leviathan In The Bible?
  40. Where In The Bible Is The Subject Of Abortion?
  41. Why I Am Alone?
  42. Does Cornerstone Have Actual Members?
  43. What Bible Commentaries Do You Recommend?
  44. Should I Be Baptized Again If I Was Baptized As A Baby?
  45. What Are Your Views On Divorce?
  46. What Does The Bible Say About Listening To Music That Has Swear Words?
  47. Thoughts On Gambling?
  48. Why Isn't The Church Named Calvary Chapel Leesburg?
  49. What Is Repentance And Why Is It Important?
  50. Ending Prayer

    Continuation (Wed 1/8/2025)

  51. What Does Judah Mean?
  52. Why Do We Call Ourselves Sinners If Jesus Forgave All Sin?
  53. How Do I Know If I Am Saved?
  54. Can You Summarize The Significance Of The First And Second Temple In Jerusalem And Whether A Third Temple Is Possible?
  55. Am I Sinning And Am I Going To Heaven If I Have Sexual Relations With My Boyfriend?
  56. Are We Commanded To Honor The Jews?
  57. Do Christians Get Rewards In Heaven?
  58. Did The Wise Men Go To Bethlehem Or Nazareth?
  59. Why Is Jesus Called Jesus Of Nazareth?
  60. Why Do We Bow Our Heads When We Pray
  61. Does All Sickness Come From Sin?
  62. What Is The Correct Way To Read The Bible
  63. How Do You Forgive Someone When You Really Don't Want To?
  64. Did Joseph Have Any Children Before Jesus And How Many Did Mary And Joseph Have After Jesus?
  65. Does It Make A Difference Make Any Difference To God If We Pray Out Loud Or In Our Head?
  66. Since We Are Under Grace, What Parts Of The Law Should Christians Follow?
  67. How Can You Discern Legitimate Modern Day Prophets?
  68. Why Does God Choose To Heal Some And Not Others?
  69. Is There A Level A Sin That Cannot Be Forgiven?
  70. Are There Still Demon Possessed People Today?

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