
The book of Ezekiel wrestles with the exile of God's people into Assyria and the departure of God's presence from the temple. Eventually, the temple will be destroyed, and it's Ezekiel's job to explain why.

While the people of Israel were quick to assume God abandoned his people and that their enemies overpowered him, they're wrong. Ezekiel says both Israel's exile and the temple's destruction were God's doing. God was punishing Israel for their sins. But Ezekiel also prophecies about a future hope where God would return Israel to her land, give her a new heart, and live with her forever.

The good news is that the hope that Ezekiel prophesied has come true in Jesus!

At a Glance


NIV Bible Ezekiel Introduction

The priest Ezekiel was among the Judeans that Nebuchadnezzar brought to Babylon in 597 BC. Five years into this exile, God called Ezekiel to go to Israel (both those in Babylon and those back in Judea) and speak my words to them. Ezekiel often brought this message by composing finely polished poetic oracles and speaking (or perhaps singing) them in public. But he also told stories with symbolic meanings, performed symbolic actions, and described extraordinary visions that he had received.

The book of Ezekiel organizes these messages into three main parts: oracles of judgment against Israel, oracles against other nations, and then promises of Israel’s restoration. These divisions are marked by references to the prophet losing and then regaining his ability to speak. A key vision near the beginning describes how God removed his presence from the Jerusalem temple because of Israel’s evil. The oracles against the nations make it clear that though God’s temple was destroyed, no one should conclude that God is not still in control of the world. Those who threaten his people will be defeated in the end. The book’s closing promises confirm that God will renew the hearts of his people and refresh all life on the face of the earth. Ezekiel’s visions fit the ongoing drama of the Bible: a broken world will be healed when the Lord returns to live with his people in a land that has become like the garden of Eden.

Bible Project

Ezekiel Introduction

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Part 1: Ezekiel 1-33 ...

Part 2: Ezekiel 34-48

Spoken Gospel

2019 Ezekiel Series (Sundays)

Cornerstone Chapel

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